Thursday, January 19, 2012

First bath and Daddy's Girl

Kayleigh's umbilical cord stub finally fell off yesterday, so she got to have her first bath last night! She seemed to enjoy it and was so precious (as always)!

First of all, look at how freaking cute (and cross-eyed) she is!

Hanging out in the kitchen sink enjoying her first real bath. 

She loved the water coming out of the faucet.

This little girl loves her Daddy! Whenever she hears his voice she tries to turn her head to find where he is. She loves cuddling up against his chest and his singing or humming can put her to sleep at any time of the day. 

Watching Joey become a Dad has been one of my favorite parts of our marriage so far. I knew that he would be an amazing father, but watching him so easily fall into that role has been so special to me! 

Some of my favorite things that I wont want to forget from these first few weeks:
-On our first night home alone with Kayleigh, Joey slept with his head at the foot of our bed so that he could be closer to her and make sure that she was breathing and comfortable all night long. 
-On our second night home alone with her I woke him up out of a deep sleep because she was making some strange noises (I may be a little overprotective as well) and he tried to get up so quickly that he immediately fell out of bed, but jumped right to his feet and rushed to her bed.
-I love listening to him singing Jim Croce, Iron and Wine, and James Taylor to our sweet girl while she stares up at him. 
-When he hums to Kayleigh to put her to sleep, he rotates between the wedding march (which makes me cry), the graduation march (which also makes me cry...she can't grow up!), or Star Wars. 

This little girl already has him wrapped around her little finger, and I am so looking forward to watching their relationship grow. 


  1. That is so so precious. There's a reason they call them Daddy's girls... There's a bond between them that is just so special.

  2. I LOVE this!!!! she is so sweet and I love that you two are parents. I wish I could hug you through my computer.

  3. I love hearing about Joey as a daddy. I'm sure he's a natural =) Thanks for all the pictures! Hooray for real baths!
